The quote was on page 72
"The moment a leader allows himself to become the primary reality people worry about, rather than reality being the primary reality, you have a recipe for mediocrity or worse."
Nothing I've read so far in this book has rang more true in my life than this quote. I think about the people I worked for growing up, business partners I've had and even looking at myself in my own business. The minute I've cared too much about the thoughts of others, or a polarizing individual's opinion rather than what the market dictates I've automatically accepted a mediocre outcome. I sometimes wonder what might have been had I paid more attention to what the market was telling me rather than cynical individuals. "You'll never pay your mortgage doing that!" "What makes you think you can take on that big company?"
I am an entrepreneur at heart. It's who I am. I love learning about new markets, different ways to make money. Creating a blue ocean. I recently figured out an untapped market in Real Estate and after talking it over with my wife (my rational, left brain counterpart), it sounds like a winner, but I have to be able to find time while at the same time providing just in case it doesn't work out. Like Jim Collins says in his book, "Confront the brutal facts (yet never lose faith)."